Monday, March 8, 2010

My Busy Week

Although I am having my one week midterm break but I am busy like HELL!!! :(

i) Communication Electronics Project, although my friends said they can do it but still I want to involve in doing all these

ii) Embedded System Design Project, we thought we have everything from pass year about this project but end up we got nothing. So we need to go and find something and do it as our project which is very very hard cause we know nothing about it

iii) Comm E lab report, I am stuck at step2 cause I think we didn't complete it while we were in the lab, and now we can do nothing about it

iv) Digital Signal Processing lab report, it is the hardest report I have done so far, need to know programming in MATLAB then need to see the waveform for each filter to compare which filter is the best, the problem is how???

v) Engineer & Society assignment, have not started doing it yet, we have not even plan what to do yet

vi) Digital Signal Processing assignment, have not even look at the question yet!! But I heard its a hard one

So many things that need to be done in one week?? After break we have midterm test coming on our way, and it covers a lot stuff that is tough and complicated especially when it involves circuitry calculation and derivations.

Man!!! I am doomed~~~ 24hours a day?? Not enough, seriously not enough!!! :'(